Texas Paycheck Calculator
Texas paycheck calculator estimates the taxes deducted from your earnings as an employee, including Federal, Texas State, Social Security and Medicare taxes.
Federal Tax |
$18,339 |
State Tax |
$0 |
Local Tax |
$0 |
Social Security |
$7,440 |
Medicare |
$1,740 |
Net Pay |
$92,482 |
Texas Income Tax
- Texas does not impose state and local income taxes, only federal income tax applies. It is one of the states where top income earners often relocate to avoid state and local taxes.
Texas Tax Calculation Example:
Let’s calculate the taxes for a single filer living in Texas who earns $120,000 annually.
1.Federal Tax Calculation:
- Standard deduction: $14,600.
- Taxable income for federal tax: $120,000 - $14,600 = $105,400.
- Federeal tax rate (24%):
- 10% on income up to $11,600:
$11,600 x 10% = $1,160.
- 12% on income from $11,601 to $47,150:
($47,150-$11,601) x 12% = $4,266
- 22% on income from $47,151 to $100,525:
53,375 x 22% = $11,473
- Remaining $4,875 taxed at 24%:
$4,875 x 24% = 1,170
- Federal tax owed: $1,160 + $4,266 + $11,743 + $1,170 = 18,339.
2.Social Security Tax (No deductions, taxed on gross income):
- $120,000 x 6.2% = $7,440.
- Social security tax owed: $7,440.
3.Medicare Tax (No deductions, taxed on gross income):
- $120,000 x 1.45% = $1,740.
- Medicare tax owed: $1,740.
4.Total Tax:
- $18,339 + $7,440 + $1,740 = $27,519
5.Net Pay
- $120,000 - $27,519 = $92,481